North Texas School of Ministry
Class of 2023 Graduation
University Church, Waxahachie
April 29, 2023
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Students arrive by 1:30 pm
Welcome | Rev. Kermit Bell
Processional | Rev. Don Jones
Worship | Rev. Don Jones
Opening Prayer & Scripture | Dr. Gaylan Claunch
Special Guest Speaker | Kelly Hamilton
Recognition of Valedictorians | Rev. Kermit Bell
Presentation of Certificates | Kathy Carver
Presentation of Diplomas | Kathy Carver
Closing | Rev. Kermit Bell
Special thanks to University Church, Rev. Gerald Patterson, Rev. Skip Redd, and Rev. Don Jones for all of their help and for hosting the NTXSOM Graduation Celebration.
Graduating Class of 2023
*Valedictorians **Salutatorians
Invited participants will be listed here on April 8, 2023.
Click here to learn more about this event and how to participate.
Congratulations to all of our graduates!
Thank you to all the guests who joined us to celebrate!