NTSOM University Partners
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
The North Texas School of Ministry partnered with Southwestern Assemblies of God University in June 2013. Students who complete their program of study at the NTSOM and are awarded the appropriate ministerial credential, will be eligible to receive academic credit at SAGU. Students may receive 27- 36 hours of academic credit at SAGU, depending on the degree the student pursues.
Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Associate of Arts in Bible
In addition to student’s participation with the NTSOM, students have the ability to earn their Associate of Arts in Bible from SAGU at a discount of more than half the current online tuition rate. Students can transfer up to 12 hours of NTSOM courses to SAGU for each of the three levels of credentials and once each ministerial credential has been awarded through the North Texas District. Students can participate in this program while they continue their work with the NTSOM.
Students may transfer credits from NTSOM to Global University’s undergraduate program. Credit transfers will be limited to one credit per course with a grade of “A” or “B” and will be used only as elective credit. The maximum credit transferred in this manner will be 32. This agreement is limited to the NTSOM program and not to local church study centers or independent study students in the District.
GU policy concerning credit of Berean Courses towards GU degree.